General knowledge of massage

   Through a variety of massage techniques to stimulate the body's skin, muscles, joints nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic, etc., to promote local blood circulation, improve metabolism, thus contributing to Zhang body's natural resistance to diseases, to promote the absorption of inflammatory exudation, mitigation muscle spasm and pain. Massage longer than Shujin Tongluo, promoting blood circulation Heals bruises, swelling pain in the injured subjects so there is the most common diseases and a variety of pain syndrome. However, the following situation can not be massage:

    1. Influenza, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, diphtheria, dysentery and other acute infectious disease patients.

    2. Acute inflammation of the patients, such as acute purulent tonsillitis, pneumonia, acute appendicitis, cellulitis and so on.

    3. Cases of chronic inflammation, such as limbs, joint tuberculosis, spinal tuberculosis, osteomyelitis.

    4. Have serious heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and lung disease

    5. Malignancies, pernicious anemia and chronic illness frail and extremely thin weak person.

    6. Thrombocytopenic purpura or allergic purpura patients.

    7. Large area of skin disease or suffering from ulcerative dermatitis patients

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